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How do I tell what flavor/brand linux I am running?

Category: Linux

There's no direct answer, but several manufacturers will store this information in particular files. Check and read the contents of these files:


If not found there, occasionally there is detailed info in proc:


Another clue point is that many distros also put information on the various login banner files:


If none of these check out you may be running a very interesting distribution of linux. Check to see if there is any branding in the boot log and dmesg:


If there are no discernible boot logs, remember to check the output of the "dmesg" as a substitute.

If none of the above work, then your final detective work is the output of "uname -a"

"uname -a" won't give you the brand on most linuxes, but the specific kernel version, sub version and any patch flags in the name might turn something up in a search engine.

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