usbmodules(8) Linux USB Utilities usbmodules(8)
usbmodules - List kernel driver modules available for a plugged in USB
usbmodules [--device /proc/bus/usb/NNN/NNN | --product xx/xx/xx --type
dd/dd/dd --interface dd/dd/dd] [--check modulename] [--help] [--mapfile
pathname] [--version pathname]
usbmodules lists driver modules that may be able to manage interfaces
on currently plugged in USB devices. usbmodules may be used on 2.4
kernels by /sbin/hotplug or one of its agents (normally /etc/hot
plug/usb.agent) when USB devices are "hot plugged" into the system.
This can be done by the following Bourne shell syntax:
for module in $(usbmodules --device $DEVICE) ; do
modprobe -s -k "$module"
for module in $(usbmodules --product $PRODUCT --type $TYPE
--interface $INTERFACE) ; do
modprobe -s -k "$module"
Note that the -k option of modprobe is not yet implemented on 2.6 ker
nels and simply ignored.
The DEVICE environment variable is passed from the kernel to /sbin/hot
plug during USB hotplugging if the kernel was configured using usbde
vfs. The environment variables PRODUCT, TYPE and INTERFACE are set
when /sbin/hotplug is called during hotplugging. usbmodules can oper
ate with both configurations.
When a USB device is removed from the system, the Linux kernel will
decrement a usage count on USB driver module. If this count drops to
zero (i.e., there are no clients for the USB device driver), then the
modprobe -r process that is normally configured to run from cron every
few minutes will eventually remove the unneeded module.
--check modulename
Instead of listing the relevant modules, just exit with code 0
(success) if the given modules exported USB ID patterns
matches. Otherwise, return failure. usbmodules emits no output
either way.
--device /proc/bus/usb/MMM/NNN
Selects which device usbmodules will examine. The argument is
mandatory unless --product , --type and --interface are used
--product xx/xx/xx --type dd/dd/dd --interface dd/dd/dd
Alternative way to select the device usbmodules will examine.
These arguments are mandatory unless --device is given.
--help, -h
Print a help message
--mapfile /etc/hotplug/usb.handmap
Use the specified file instead of the /lib/modules/.../mod
ules.usbmap file corresponding to the running kernel.
Identifies the version of usbutils this tool was built with.
This file is automatically generated by depmod, versions 2.4.2
and later, and is used by usbmodules to determine which modules
correspond to which USB IDs.
An optional interface to USB devices provided by Linux kernels
with versions of the 2.4 USB support. Contains per-bus subdirec
tories with per-device files (offering a usermode driver API as
well as access to device and configuration descriptors), a
devices file containing a list of all USB devices, and a drivers
file listing USB device drivers known to the USB subsystem.
usbmodules was written by Adam J. Richter , and is
based partly on lsusb, which was written by Thomas Sailer
usbmodules is copyright 2000, Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated, and
copyright 1999, Thomas Sailer. usbmodules may may be copied under the
terms and conditions of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation (Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States of America).
Debian-0.72 12 June 2001 usbmodules(8)