BitchX(1) BitchX(1)
BitchX - an advanced Internet Relay Chat client
scr-bx - restore detached BitchX session
xbitchx - X wrapper for BitchX
bitchx [-aAbdfqxvBFRZP] [-H hostname] [-c channel] [-p port] [-r file]
[-n nickname] [-l file] [-L file] [nickname] [server list]
BitchX is a VERY heavily modified ircII client. It includes many things
such as built in CDCC (XDCC) offering, built in flood protection, etc.
It is easier to script things in BitchX because unlike plain, vanilla
ircII, half the script does not have to be devoted to changing the
appearance of ircII. It also includes many other new features, such as
port scanning, advanced TCL, a CD player, a mail client, screening pro
cess, etc.
BitchX - based on EPIC Software Labs epic ircII (1998). Version
(BitchX-75p2-8) -- Date (19980708).
xbitchx is a wrapper script that loads the BitchX X11 font configura
tion from /etc/bitchx/xfont file, and runs BitchX under a nice XTerm
scr-bx is used to reattach screens after /detach.
-a use the default servers list, as well as servers given on the
command line.
-A do not display the startup ANSI graphics.
-b load .bitchxrc or .ircrc after connecting to a server (default).
-B fork and return you to shell.
automatically join the channel after connecting to a
server. You usually need to escape the hash (#) character with
backspace (.
-d use a "dumb" terminal.
-f your terminal uses flow control (^S/^Q), so BitchX should not
use these chars.
-F your terminal does not use flow control (default).
-h display help, all available options.
use the virtual name if possible.
use instead of the usual .ircrc file.
use instead of the usual .ircrc , and expand $ expandos.
set your IRC nickname to .
-N do not automatically connect to the first server.
use as the default server connection port (normally
-P toggle check pid.nickname for running program.
-q dont load ~/.ircrc on startup.
read to get a list of IRC-servers. The is a
whitespace-separated list of server names.
-v show version.
-x run in debug mode.
-Z use NAT address when doing DCC. Lets you specify your real
address if youre using a machine that is being natd
Network Address Translation - when you map N-to-M (IP masquerad
ing is a special case of N-to-1 NAT). See http://www.csn.tu- for more informa
BitchX has lots of internal documentation. Try using /ehelp, /bhelp,
and /help. There is also documentation in /usr/share/doc/bitchx.
/usr/lib/bitchx/, /etc/bitchx/
System-wide configuration directories
Personal configuration file
Default random real name(s)
Personal BitchX display formats
Default random kick message(s)
Default random quit message(s)
User help-file.
Storage directory for BitchX session screens.
BitchX was written by Colten Edwards
This manpage was written by Wichert Akkerman and later updated by
Robert Durdle and Josip Rodin.
BitchX IRC client August 1999 BitchX(1)