my_print_defaults - display options from option files
my_print_defaults [options] option_group ...
my_print_defaults displays the options that are present in option
groups of option files. The output indicates what options will be used
by programs that read the specified option groups. For example, the
mysqlcheck program reads the [mysqlcheck] and [client] option groups.
To see what options are present in those groups in the standard option
files, invoke my_print_defaults like this:
shell> my_print_defaults mysqlcheck client
The output consists of options, one per line, in the form that they
would be specified on the command line.
my_print_defaults understands the following options:
--help, -?
Display a help message and exit.
--config-file=file_name, --defaults-file=file_name, -c file_name
Read only the given option file.
--debug=debug_options, -# debug_options
Write a debugging log. The debug_options string often is
d:t:o,file_name. The default is
--defaults-extra-file=file_name, --extra-file=file_name, -e
Read this option file after the global option file but (on Unix)
before the user option file.
--defaults-group-suffix=suffix, -g suffix
In addition to the groups named on the command line, read groups
that have the given suffix.
--no-defaults, -n
Return an empty string.
--verbose, -v
Verbose mode. Print more information about what the program does.
--version, -V
Display version information and exit.
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msql2mysql(1), myisam_ftdump(1), myisamchk(1), myisamlog(1),
myisampack(1), mysql(1), mysql.server(1), mysql_config(1),
mysql_explain_log(1), mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1),
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql(1), mysql_upgrade(1), mysql_zap(1), mysqlaccess(1),
mysqladmin(1), mysqlbinlog(1), mysqlcheck(1), mysqld(8),
mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysqlhotcopy(1),
mysqlimport(1), mysqlmanager(8), mysqlshow(1), perror(1), replace(1),
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MySQL 5.0 12/20/2006 MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS(1)