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DH_FIXPERMS(1)			   Debhelper			DH_FIXPERMS(1)

       dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories

       dh_fixperms [debhelper options] [-Xitem]

       dh_fixperms is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the
       permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a
       sane state -- a state that complies with Debian policy.

       dh_fixperms makes all files in usr/share/doc in the package build
       directory (excluding files in the examples/ directory) be mode 644. It
       also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It makes all
       files be owned by root, and it removes group and other write permission
       from all files. It removes execute permissions from any libraries that
       have it set. It makes all files in bin/ directories, /usr/games/ and
       etc/init.d executable (v4 only). Finally, it removes the setuid and
       setgid bits from all files in the package.

       -Xitem, --exclude item
	   Exclude files that contain "item" anywhere in their filename from
	   having their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple
	   times to build up a list of things to exclude.


       This program is a part of debhelper.

       Joey Hess 

5.0.42				  2006-10-30			DH_FIXPERMS(1)

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