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DEBCONF-COPYDB(1)		    Debconf		     DEBCONF-COPYDB(1)

       debconf-copydb - copy a debconf database

	debconf-copydb sourcedb destdb [--pattern=pattern] [--owner-pattern=pattern] [--config=Foo:bar]

       debconf-copydb copies items from an existing debconf database into
       another, possibly new database. The two databases may have different
       formats; if so a conversion will automatically be done.

	   The name of the source database. Typically it will be defined in
	   your debconf.conf (or .debconfrc) file.

	   The name of the destination database. It may be defined in
	   debconf.conf or .debconfrc, or you might define it on the command
	   line (see below).

       -p pattern, --pattern pattern
	   If this is specified, only items in sourcedb whose names match the
	   pattern will be copied.

       --owner-pattern pattern
	   If this is specified, only items in sourcedb whose owners match the
	   pattern will be copied.

       -c foo:bar, --config Foo:bar
	   Set option Foo to bar. This is similar to writing:

	     Foo: bar

	   In debconf.conf, except you probably want to leave off the space on
	   the command line (or quote it: "Foo: bar"). Generally must be used
	   multiple times, to build up a full configuration stanza. While
	   blank lines are used to separate stanzas in debconf.conf, this
	   program will assume that "Name:dbname" denotes the beginning of a
	   new stanza.

	 debconf-copydb configdb backup

       Copy all of configdb to backup, assuming you already have the backup
       database defined in debconf.conf.

	 debconf-copydb configdb newdb --pattern='^slrn/' \
	       --config=Name:newdb --config=Driver:File \

       Copy slrns data out of configdb, and into newdb. newdb is not defined
       in the rc file, so the --config switches set up the database on the

	 debconf-copydb configdb stdout -c Name:stdout -c Driver:Pipe \
	       -c InFd:none --pattern='^foo/'

       Spit out all the items in the debconf database related to package foo.

	 debconf-copydb configdb pipe --config=Name:pipe \
		       --config=Driver:Pipe --config=InFd:none | \
	       ssh remotehost debconf-copydb pipe configdb \
		       --config=Name:pipe --config=Driver:Pipe

       This uses the special purpose pipe driver to copy a database to a
       remote system.


       Joey Hess 

				  2005-05-28		     DEBCONF-COPYDB(1)

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